Sunday, November 8, 2015


I'm thrilled to be participating in the Frenzied SLPs Thankful blog hop/scavenger hunt!  I've been so busy, that it's been difficult to stay in touch with everyone, but I'm going to try to be more active!

The Frenzied SLPs are bringing you a scavenger hunt style blog hop where we will share our thankful and grateful stories while inviting you to participate in our giveaway. Three lucky winners will be chosen to each receive a $10 Teachers Pay Teachers gift card and a $10 Starbucks gift card. Here is how you can participate. 
1. Read each Thankful and Grateful post from The Frenzied SLPs! 
2. Collect the character at the bottom of each post. 
3.  Don't forget to write down the characers in order to reveal the secret phrase. 
4. Enter the Rafflecopter at the end of any post by entering the phrase. 
5. Visit The Frenzied SLPs Facebook Page for an extra entry.
6. Three winners will be chosen after the rafflecopter closes on 11/13/2015. 

Being busy means work, work, work!  But the plus side of it is that I have some absolutely amazing children I get to see each week.  I'm so thankful for them, they make all of the paperwork, evaluations, meetings, and more paperwork worth it!  I'm not driving around as much this year, which I am definitely happy about.  I now work in four schools and have two home care students.  Last year I had 10 home care students and three schools.

I'm thankful for my fellow bloggers.  When I first started my store and blogging a few years ago, I don't think I would have stayed around too long without them, but through establishing wonderful online connections, I feel like they are part of my extended family!  Some of my bestie bloggers include Jenn from Straight Up Speech, Mia from Putting Words in Your Mouth, Kelly from Speech2U, Lynda from Say What with LyndaSLP123, Rachel from Queen Speech, and Tracy from GoldCountrySLP.  There are many others too who motivate me every day and help me to be the best SLP I can be.  I'm also thankful for all of our readers and buyers!  Without all of you, I wouldn't be inspired to create!

My husband.  What can I say?  His humorous personality has kept me laughing for 19 years!  I couldn't live without him.  He supports my decisions, good and bad, and doesn't say "I told you so."  He is definitely an optimist, which I need, because lately I've been a "the glass is half empty" kinda girl.  I'm trying to get over this bump, especially because of our kids.  This man keeps me going, he is my rock, and I am so fortunate to have him!  My home is filled with laughter and love, and for that, I am grateful.

And on that note.....  My little loves!  For them I am definitely most thankful.  My life has not been the same since I became a mom more than 8 years ago.  I'm definitely more tired and harried, but love almost every minute of it.  I never would have thought I'd be a soccer mom and a dance mom, but I love watching my kids participate in their activities, and watching them grow has been amazing!  I'm truly blessed, and I love my crazy life with my little family!  

Don't miss my letter for your chance to win!


  1. 19 years of marriage! Congratulations! I hope you have something pretty spectacular planned for your 20th. Thanks for your post!

  2. It sounds like yours is a wonderful life!!

  3. Love this post! Adorable little ones!! :) :)

  4. Jess, I love the photos! I want to say that I am grateful for YOU, and all the wonderful support and advice you have so generously shared with me and so many others. You are a kind, giving person. I am so proud to know you, and call you friend. Have a very wonderful Thanksgiving with your beautiful family!

  5. Jess you have beautiful children-and are a beautiful person. Thank you for sharing your wedding photo-I am happy to be friends with you!

  6. AWWWW I made the blog!! I made the blog!!! So very thankful for YOU, Jess- not just because you are now my friend (in real life!) since we got to meet but because blogging was a solitary activity for me until you asked me to team up with you. I'll never forget that day- you opened up a whole new wonderful world for me!

  7. I am thankful for YOU, Jess! You've encouraged me from the start to believe in my speech therapy products and move forward with my TPT store. Thank you!

  8. Laughter is definitely a huge key for a successful marriage! And your babies are adorable!
